VOD2009, Fabric, wool and resin, 240×106×76cm Q2009, Artificial fur and wood 50×70×120cm Box B i,2009, Fabric, 48×51×53cm Parts of JJO2009,Fabric and needle, 8×8×16cm Home plan, Tissue box, Fabric,old wood box,20x28x30cm Needle, 2013, Steel, 182x5cm, Edition of 6 + 1 AP WW M thing 2009, Fabric, steel and resin, 90×170×210cm PIGEON 2010, VEW 2009, Fabric and resin, 33×56×80cm WS2009,Fabric and resin, 60×90×90cm AWO 2009, Fabric and resin, 40×50×120cm WW2009(side+view) Fabric 92×123×33cm WW2009 Fabric 92×123×33cm WWLL2009, Fabric and resin 200×42×45cm Birthmark2009, Artist hair and fabric, 12×20×20cm, private collection 开明 开明后 Mamma throne, 2011,Fabric,50x50x100cm XO 盆景 沙发 White clothes, 2013, Fabric and hair